- 拠点紹介 / Locations & Offices
- オレンジホームケアクリニック / Orange Home Care Clinic
- オレンジキッズケアラボ / Orange Kid’s Care Lab.
- 保健室(新栄・宝永)/ Health-cultural center
- つながるクリニック / Tunagaru Clinic
- ほっちのロッヂ / Hotch no Lodge
- 勝山オレンジクリニック / Orange Clinic Katsuyama
- チェアラボ / Chiar lab.
- まあるカフェ / Maaru cafe
- みいつカフェ / Meets cafe
- さくら荘 / さくらんぼ / Sakura-sou / Sakuranbo
- 法人概要 / Corporate Overview
- 各拠点の最新情報 / News
- お問い合わせ / Contact us
- Podcast
Katsuyama Orange Clinic started in the spring of 2021 in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture. Under the slogan of “Encounter from the time you are in good health,” the clinic space opens as a “salon,” “cultural center,” and “gathering place.” By connecting with people while they are still in good health, they can consult and support each other when they fall ill. As a result, this will lead to the creation of a vibrant community. In addition, to meet the wishes of those who wish to spend their final days at home or in the community where they live, we are focusing on home medical care. Even in aging communities where medical care is in short supply, we provide an environment where residents can live peacefully while maintaining their lifestyle by utilizing our 24-hour home medical care and online medical services.