- 拠点紹介 / Locations & Offices
- オレンジホームケアクリニック / Orange Home Care Clinic
- オレンジキッズケアラボ / Orange Kid’s Care Lab.
- 保健室(新栄・宝永)/ Health-cultural center
- つながるクリニック / Tunagaru Clinic
- ほっちのロッヂ / Hotch no Lodge
- 勝山オレンジクリニック / Orange Clinic Katsuyama
- チェアラボ / Chiar lab.
- まあるカフェ / Maaru cafe
- みいつカフェ / Meets cafe
- さくら荘 / さくらんぼ / Sakura-sou / Sakuranbo
- 法人概要 / Corporate Overview
- 各拠点の最新情報 / News
- お問い合わせ / Contact us
- Podcast
Orange Home Care Clinic is the first clinic in Fukui Prefecture specializing in 24/7 home medical care by multiple doctors; began its activities in 2011. We will be with you as you “live.” We share our community and lives together and savor each other’s changing lives through ongoing dialogue. Our mission is to create a better and safer society through such communication. Together we will take on the challenge to live a life that is unique to you without using existing systems and frameworks as excuses. We contribute to the realization of a society where people can have a satisfactory view of life without drawing a line between caregivers and receivers. By recognizing and being aware of their anguish, conflicts, diversity, and complexity and facing them as fellow human beings, we can convince them that “this is good enough.”