- 拠点紹介 / Locations & Offices
- オレンジホームケアクリニック / Orange Home Care Clinic
- オレンジキッズケアラボ / Orange Kid’s Care Lab.
- 保健室(新栄・宝永)/ Health-cultural center
- つながるクリニック / Tunagaru Clinic
- ほっちのロッヂ / Hotch no Lodge
- 勝山オレンジクリニック / Orange Clinic Katsuyama
- チェアラボ / Chiar lab.
- まあるカフェ / Maaru cafe
- みいつカフェ / Meets cafe
- さくら荘 / さくらんぼ / Sakura-sou / Sakuranbo
- 法人概要 / Corporate Overview
- 各拠点の最新情報 / News
- お問い合わせ / Contact us
- Podcast

Root x Route, Inc. was launched in 2023 by a unique combination of a physical therapist, a home care clinic doctor, and a planning producer. With the corporate philosophy of “living happily and smiling,” we will accompany you while engaging in dialogue.
The subject is not us but the users. We talk with the users about what they think makes them happy and what they like to do, and we think about what they will choose. We also plan and develop sports events and products that provide opportunities to experience the joy of physical exercise and learn about the body’s state. We are a company that takes a variety of approaches to the body, from living to finishing one’s life, that has never existed before.
- 株式会社Root×Route/Root x Route, Inc
- 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町